This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


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Scopo: essere il giocatore con più Punti Vittoria alla fine del gioco.

La partita termina quando: il mazzo delle "Provincie" è esaurito, oppure tre mazzi di carte della riserva sono esauriti.

Preparazione: ogni giocatore inizia il gioco con un mazzo di 10 carte (3 "Territori" e 7 "Rame"). Il mazzo è mischiato e si prendono 5 carte che formano la "mano" del giocatore.

Overview The A-B-C rule makes it easy to remember the play order. On a player's turn:

A: Action The player may play an action card. Each player is allowed 1 action per turn by default. Certain action cards provide additional actions.

B: Buy After the action phase is over, the player may play buy a card from the general supply. Bought cards are placed in the player's discard pile. Each player is allowed 1 buy per turn by default. Certain action cards provide additional buys.

C: Cleanup After the buy phase is over, the player places all cards (played cards and in hand cards) into the discard pile. Five new cards are drawn from the player's deck. If there aren't enough cards to form a full hand, the discard pile is reshuffled and forms the new deck.

The game progresses in clockwise order until ending conditions are met.

Tie-breaker If 2 or more players have the same number of victory points, the player that had the fewest number of turns wins. If these is still a tie, all tied players rejoice in a shared victory.